Confess your passion

Greetings stranger!

Welcome to a very special community. A group of extraordinary people that are incredibly different to each other but at the same time share a common passion and values.


We all believe that we should live in harmony with nature, we should enjoy the simple things in life and cherish every moment. We all dare to be different, we express our unique personality in the hobbies we share and we all stand out: our way.

It’s OK!

We are the explorers, the wierdos, the freethinkers and free riders. But we when we ride, we ride hard, when we explore, we go beyond the external and into the spiritual, when we love we do it with passion.

Colour Monk is not a piece of clothing. It is an experience, a community, your favourite playlist and your adventure companion all packaged in a hand-made, natural product that you will love and share special moments with. It is the colorful escape from the grayness of the modern life.

Sounds like you?

Welcome! See you somewhere out there on a forgotten island next to the bonfire with a guitar or glazing at the sunset after a long day on the water, being free, feeling alive and in tune with the surroundings.

How will you recognize us?

That is easy! When we are not wearing our monks, look for that special spark of freedom in our eyes!

Welcome to the family and see you out there soon!

Our Mission

The inspiring nature gives us the colours we use and cherish and we truly believe that we should pay our duties back. Our mission is to spread awareness towards a sustainable future and products that complement rather than take advantage of the surroundings. Our dream is to make an impact while using natural fabrics and recyclable materials in our products, so that the junior monks can have the same connection with nature like we do.

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