We are a small Bulgarian brand, but we have big dreams. What we love about the things we do is that we try to retain contact with all our fellow friends and customers around. Behind every monk, there is a story to be told and we want to share with you one of our favorite ones.

Photocredit: Otavio Ponce

It all started with a Belgian guy: Verschooren Gilles, Maria that lost his ColourMonk poncho while staying in a hostel in Jericoacoara, Brazil. The garment was found by by Pablo Sebastian Lamarque from Argentina and his friend Otavio Ponce from Brazil, who loved it, contacted us and sent us those amazing photos. Like every great story there is a beautiful lady involved- Paola from Argentina but the rumors remain silent as to what was exactly her role in this story.

Photocredit: Otavio Ponce

Times have moved on and after two years the world is bit different as well, however we want to thank Pablo and Otavio so much for this inspiring story. You guys remind us of why the whole project started and how every summer has its story! You are both our honorable ambassadors.

Photocredit: Otavio Ponce

Please share this post and help us find Verschooren Gilles, Maria so we can send him a brand new ColourMonk. We hope he forgets it somewhere in Asia this time around…

Photocredit: Otavio Ponce

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